"My dad is definitely very important to me. Half of the things that I know now are from the experiences that he shared with me. He is the one person that I truly look up to. It really matters to me to make him proud.
Whenever I am upset with a way that I did a certain thing, or just not proud of the outcome of something that I was passionate about doing, there's never a time when he'll be upset with me back. He's always just a motivating factor in whatever I do. It's so nice to have constant support and not feel like I have to constantly prove myself.
My parents are very different from the whole South Asian tiger parents stereotype. My friends are shocked with the way that my parents are, just because they're not as harsh on me. They always say, 'As long as you put your best effort into something, if you come out with results that might not be good, then that's fine.'
Receiving support from friends is very different than receiving support from family. At the end of the day, I feel like support from family is truly what makes you want to continue and makes you want to shoot higher than you normally would. I would definitely be struggling if I didn't receive endless support from my dad."