"Someone that is important to me is Sean Yagi. Sean [and I] are really good friends. We just do a lot of stuff together. We have a similar sense of humor, which I think is kind of nice. One thing we share is an enthusiasm to criticize things, which I enjoy. We're both perfect pro-level haters. That's part of why I call him a lot; we talk about a lot of things, like different news events. Lately, we've talked about a lot more politics — we watched the live storming of the capital together. We were going to play [Counter Strike], but then I checked my phone and I got this news notification. I was like, 'Well, we gotta watch this.'
I remember one time, we were hanging out at my house. I have skateboards and scooters that my sister [and I] used when we were young. I don't know why, but Sean and I got the idea to try jousting on them, which is a really stupid idea. Don't try it at home. But it was pretty fun in the moment.
Sean and I were both in the same English class in freshman year. I think we realized how similar we were after we both got in trouble for always coming in late. I remember my teacher called me, Sean and one other guy The Three Musketeers and complained that we were always late. And now that's just a common joke between us. When we complain about someone being late, they're just The Three Musketeers.
Having friends so similar to you lets you know that you're at least moderately normal. There are people like you. You're not just a freak sitting in your room, which is a great feeling, especially in quarantine."